Scanclimber H65 series construction hoists used for ship building at Meyer Turku shipyard

When introducing a suspended platform to potential buyers, it's important to highlight its key features, benefits, and potential applications. Here’s a structured way to present a suspended platform to a purchaser:
1. **Introduction to the Product**:
- Start by explaining what a suspended platform is: "A suspended platform, also known as a swing stage or suspended scaffold, is an adjustable, temporary platform used for working at heights. It is typically suspended from an overhead structure using ropes, cables, or chains and can be raised or lowered to the desired working level."
2. **Key Features**:
- **Adjustability**: Explain how the platform can be easily adjusted to various heights, making it versatile for different tasks.
- **Mobility**: Highlight the ease of moving the platform horizontally along the building facade, allowing comprehensive access to large surfaces.
- **Load Capacity**: Discuss the weight capacity of the platform, which can accommodate multiple workers along with their tools and materials.
- **Safety Features**: Emphasize safety components such as guardrails, non-slip surfaces, and stability controls. Mention compliance with safety standards.
3. **Benefits**:
- **Cost-Effectiveness**: Compared to traditional scaffolding, suspended platforms are more cost-efficient for many high-rise tasks due to quicker setup and teardown times.
- **Accessibility**: Stress how the platform provides access to hard-to-reach areas, enhancing the ability to perform tasks such as window cleaning, exterior painting, and maintenance efficiently.
- **Efficiency**: Point out that the platform reduces project time and labor costs by providing a direct approach to work areas.
- **Minimal Impact**: Note the minimal physical impact on the building's facade, an important consideration for historic or delicate structures.
4. **Applications**:
- Provide examples of typical applications including building maintenance, window installation, painting, facade repairs, and construction projects. This helps the buyer visualize the platform’s utility in various scenarios.
5. **Customization and Support**:
- Mention any available customization options that can be tailored to specific needs, such as platform size or the inclusion of additional safety features.
- Outline the support services provided, such as installation assistance, training for operators, and maintenance services.
6. **Closing**:
- Encourage questions and offer to provide a demonstration or a site visit to see the platform in operation. Provide contact information and assure potential buyers of ongoing support and availability of parts.
By structuring the introduction in this way, you effectively communicate the value and versatility of the suspended platform, making it a compelling option for potential buyers looking to enhance their operational efficiency and safety standards. - Scanclimber H65 series construction hoists SC1837F and SC2032F are used for building a German luxury cruise at the Meyer Shipyard in Turku, Finland. The 'Mein Schiff 5' is a huge passenger luxury ship which is approx. 295 meters long and almost 36 meters wide. Scanclimber hoists transport personnel as well as material to the vessel from 6 ground stations. 2 x operational cage doors at the ground station of SC1837 hoists (see 0:12) facilitate optimum utilization of the hoist in the way that more material can be transferred to the cruise in one go within lesser time. Access to different levels is arranged by landing stations. The landing stations for both single SC1837’s were 6 levels each covering all 15 decks on the cruise whereas the dual hoists SC2032-65 on single mast section had only one landing station assembled at the top of the deck.

This configuration finalized for this ship building project aided in timely completion. Additionally, this specific configuration of hoists for the ship increased the efficiency and quality of work. The separate erection of single hoists at both front and rear part of the ship resulted in even distribution of materials to the deck. Additionally, dual hoists erected on single mast section helped to achieve faster access with higher load capacity. Easy access to front, center and rear portions of the ship increased the overall rate of work done per hour. This accelerated the performance and the whole ship building project.

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